I cannot believe the calamity that has been the last two weeks. I have had the police at the house twice for stolen medication and a stolen car. I have bailed G out of juvi and had to pick I up for W for stealing. G also is charged with marijuana. while in custody she got another charge. He also thought it a good idea to empty my bank account so there is no Easter Bunny coming to my house this year. May not suck for her but I have a 12, 9, 7, 6, 4 and 3 year old that are going to wonder what is going on. Not that they don't see the chaos. ALL this and I am taking them to church but getting no help even when I blatantly ask for it. I don't understand how D manages to get people to do stuff for him all the time but I struggle. The divorce is also going to be a struggle. He claims he will leave if I want him to but I know he won't. I have allowed him to ruin so much of my life and I fear he is just going to ruin the rest of it. I lost a relationship with J because of him. I kept telling him to go and he wouldn't. I guess being alone is what I am meant to be. I am having such a hard time directing these kids and every day seems like it is a struggle. My mom is an empty shell as well as my dad now that H is buried. Dad visits her grave every week and mom can't deal.. I am trying to process her death while dealing teen bs and growing children. Who has it harder? It is not a contest but I really want a hug that isn't attached to a three year old. An adult cannot depend on their kids to build them up. I cannot believe the sense of loss I have. And dealing with the egocentrism I am on a daily basis is tearing me apart. What does it take for kids to "get it". I am bone weary tired.
This is where I would like to stay:
Cotton ball, my childhood teddy bear is hiding under the covers. It has been a BAD week.
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